We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 1st international conference on Serviceology (ICServ2013). ICServ2013 will be held from October 16 to 18, 2013 in Tokyo. The main goal of this conference is to provide opportunities for the researchers from academia and industry to
share the latest technologies, methodologies, and case studies toward co-creation of services in a sustainable society.
share the latest technologies, methodologies, and case studies toward co-creation of services in a sustainable society.
What's New
Conference updates due to Typhoon is put on this page and also Facebook.
2013.10.28 Presentation slides for Dr. Yoshikawa's keynote is now available.2013.10.25 Presentation slides for Closing Ceremony is now available.
2013.10.25 Presentation slides for Service Design & Innovation SIG workshop is now
2013.10.25 Presentation slides for Dr. Spohrer's keynote is now available.
2013.10.25 Presentation slides for Dr. Shimmura's keynote is now available.
2013.10.19 You can find more info and photos on Facebook.
2013.10.18 The best paper awards were announced at the banquet.
2013.10.15 14:15 New Program for tomorrow, October 16, is now available.
The opening address will start from 13:15 (Registration will start from 12:30).
2013.10.2 The conferece banquet page is now available.
2013.9.10 Special session 1 (workshop) requires the pre-registration.
2013.9.10 The conference program is now available.
2013.5.13 Due to popular demand, the deadline for full paper or short paper submission has been extended until May 31, 2013.
2013.4.5 Due to popular demand, the deadline for abstract submission has been extended until April 30, 2013.
2013.2.27 Online Conference System (OCS) opened.
2012.10.23 Call for Papers is announced.
2012.10.2 ICServ2013 is pleased to launch its brand-new website.
・Data assimilation & human modeling
・Enhancing Service Analysis and
Testing with VR/AR/MR
・Healthcare services
・Mechanism design for services
・Psychology & Neuro-aided design
・Product Service System (PSS)
・Public & urban services
・Enhancing Service Analysis and
Testing with VR/AR/MR
・Healthcare services
・Mechanism design for services
・Psychology & Neuro-aided design
・Product Service System (PSS)
・Public & urban services
・Regional development & policymaking
・Service economy and productivity
・Service innovation and design
・Service management & marketing
・Service robotics
・Service theory
・Tourism & hospitality
・Service economy and productivity
・Service innovation and design
・Service management & marketing
・Service robotics
・Service theory
・Tourism & hospitality
Contact information
For further information,
please e-mail to icserv-info-ml@aist.go.jp
For further information,
please e-mail to icserv-info-ml@aist.go.jp